Serving Brookings, South Dakota and the surrounding areas

Meet Samantha

Often found tidying her room as a child, cleaning the staff break room as an adult, or helping her friends organize on weekends, Samantha always had a knack for tidying spaces. After discovering the KonMari Method™ of organizing, Samantha had an “aha” moment and knew this method of organizing was different. Now, as a Certified KonMari Consultant, Samantha hopes to guide others on how to find their joy through organizing.

Samantha works with you to identify what “sparks joy” and how to make the most of your space.

Why Apple Seed Organizing?

Apple Seed Organizing uses the KonMari Method™ of organizing. Rather than organizing for you, your certified KonMari Consultant walks alongside you to teach you skills so you stay organized long after your consultant leaves. If traditional methods of organizing have not worked for you in the past or you are looking for a bigger life change, Apple Seed Organizing may be right for you.

Why the KonMari Method™?

The KonMari Method™ is a way to organize using categories instead of organizing by room or space. As you organize, you decide what to keep, rather than what to get rid of. Gratitude and joy are fundamental to the KonMari Method™ and what makes it unique. The KonMari Method™ uses a "joy check process" to help you decide what items to keep.

Let’s talk about tidying.